Sunday, July 22, 2012

Party Time

So Saturday was party day for miss keira she just had to have a strawberry shortcake party then a week after buying everything wanted a brave party we told her to late! i think she was ok with it for this year. the weather wasn't so good so we had to bring it in doors about half hour before the party but we made it work, everyone came and keira had a wonderful time with all her little girlfriends!
i can hardly believe she is 4 years old so big and beautiful!! thanking God for the beautiful little life he gave just for us!
enjoy our day in all the pictures :)

For July 18th the Birthday Girl

So on Wednesday this past week July 18th we went out to dinner for this little girls 4th birthday dinner!!! we weren't going to celebrate until Saturday but still had to make the evening special.
well needless to say she didn't even make it through the bread sticks before she passed out! woke up to eat half her pasta and back out by 6:45 didn't wake up till the next morning haha she pretty much missed her bday dinner she was so sleepy! But we are so blessed to have this beautiful little 4 year old angel Happy Birthday Baby Girl.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Sunday Evening..

So this past Sunday evening we drove to Gettysburg for some mini golf and ice cream with my family! it was so Hot out but the mini golf was very fun, the ice cream was cool and refreshing! we then drove up to walk around some of the battle fields and had some fun there. was a good Sunday:)
this week is not that full aside from work and well more work. I'm really hoping to get us on a mini vacation Soon! Keira Leigh's birthday is in one week and she is so excited!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Happy 4th!!

Hey everyone! better late then never But Happy 4th Of July everyone!! hope it was great! we didn't do alot of anything that day other then spend time around the house and had family over for a visit and dessert, naps, food, and then followed Fireworks with more family! it was a relaxing day and we loved it.
tomorrow we head to Gettysburg for some mini golf and ice cream with family in the evening!! you gotta love summer!


So last week we went for what was my first pedicure!! have no idea why i waited so long though ;) it was so much fun and relaxing Loved it and us girls plan to make it a once a month date! It was so nice to have a little girl time to. we then hit up port city java one of my favorite coffee shops around here.